Friday, November 02, 2007

Now this is a band

Back in the day you were either a Duranie or a Spandau person and I was firmly in the Duran camp. Well, they had more tasty girlies in their video for one thing. So last week's Jonathan Ross was quite a treat for me, Simon le Bon's voice was well probably never going to get him through X -factor but that is really where the X factor fails to find the true X factor, the something that takes someone not so great at all and makes them truly brilliant.

It start somewhat limply but by the time you get to the chorus it sounds like solid Duran gold.

After the new single "Falling down" we have Girls on Film which is a classic. Ignore the video which was frankly only better by The Chauffeur.

and isn't that what all good young bands should be about? Sex in whatever form you're interested in? And what comes back so much is that A) Roger Taylor was an excellent drummer which we get from the version of Girls on film and B) how iconic some of their early songs were.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

It's the Arts!

Went to see a play during the week, it was seasonally enough an adaption of Bram Stoker's Dracula by the , with a cast of thousands. The Belltable does this thing sometimes where they get you to enter from the rear as they want to do it in the round as one might say and this was one of those occasions. There were three areas of action on the stage itself then one in the middle of the seating and then to the opposite end of the state the seating was wooden benches and with the slight incline lead to one buttock getting numb while the other was much more content with the sitting arrangements.

Part of the difficulty with the play for me was that it was perhaps too close to the book and too condensed. the movement from one area to another seemed concerned with ensuring that our attention didn't stray from the matter in hand. The lack of movement in the final third only served to highlight this.

The person playing Dracula was quite good as was Lucy, though I wonder if Lucy has gotten a bad deal down the years as being much more of a minx than she actually was meant to be and for me the Mina was well, kind of lacking in the depiction of her character she was much more and I'm sure some of the story got lost there. Jonathan Harker was similarly lacking existing mostly as a plot device than a person, he appears not to possess the backbone and cop-on of a blade of grass but he is much like that in the book too.

3/5 from me.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Really liking the new Take That song

"we could rule the world" which is a bit strange so perhaps I'm really settling into being elderly. Or it just be the idea of ruling the world I like.

Issues with the Heineken ad

There is an ad on the telly for Heineken and I must admit it surprises me even more than the Gaviscon lady given our PC times, which is saying a lot. Basically, the ad involves a place called "the memory hotel" from which bad events (like a failed driving test) are ejected in order to make room for new things, people or the curve of a woman's smile that our Heineken Hero is encountering while drinking, so basically they are saying that drinking alcohol can help you to forget the bad aspects of life?

Friday, September 14, 2007

Spider Pig indeed!

Your results:
You are Spider-Man

Iron Man
Green Lantern
The Flash
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The trouble with Gaviscon

I've been often tempted to post on a ad that is running on the telly at the moment in which an attractive young lady at a party cures her upset stomach (I suspect it is a problem with excess acid) by getting a friendly group of mature cartoon firemen with mustaches to get out their large hose and squirt a white creamy substance down her throat. Which apparently sorts her out no end.

I'm sure there is a subtext there somewhere but I can't just put my finger on it at present.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Monday, January 15, 2007

And who are you now?

The old alma mater is running an ad to attract new students on the telly. And dear me is it terrible. I decided to capture it in a lazy fashion from the telly and change the audio to something more swinging. Watch here.

There again based on what I've heard it seems the place can't even get the names of people right when they're graduating. There again it is very possible some of the names were entirely made up to get into musicals.