Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Witching hour

Friday night headed to the lads on Katey street for a Hallowe'en gathering.

I was kind of stuck for something to wear (isn't that always the case?), and the lordland was willing to lend me some authentic Arab headdress which he had gotten in Jordan. Then in a flash of inspiration I though about the oversized dressing robe I had gotten in Bangkok for the dad abotu 7 years ago. I made the mistake of thinking the sizes were local and so got a xxl and that means it almost stretches all the way to the floor. Not the best idea I've had and I've had some bad'uns. Anyway, I put it on and it seemed to work as a loudish dressing gown and I decided I'd wear a pjish shirt underneath and if I bought a cigar holder I could pretend to be Hugh Hefner! A bearded, overweight Hef, but still.

So, that's what I did. I got a superquinn bag and put my custome into it and proceed to flat via the bus. Got off the bus, into fine wines, got a case of beer. The old Labatts is back on offer. 19.99 for 24 bottles!, how bad! Then up to flat.

There was a pleasant and familiar crowd in situ in the aparto. There could have been more ladies, single or otherwise, but the quality was good.

Turns out a friend of the lads Darryl was in Japan 02/03 I think so we were chatting for a while about all things Nihon and Nihonjin. Eoin headed off to meet some people and left me a witch's hat which had some suitably green Hallowe'en hair attached. Suddenly I was transformed into 'the wiz'. After a while the hat became quite addictive.

We headed off to Termights for a bit to see what the lie of the land was, and if our outfits were in keeping with the season about 12.40am. Though Ben made it there, he was soon back home again.

I got some kudos from the patrons that were already there. The place was quiet initially thought by 1.15am it had picked up nicely. Even the bar people seemed pleased with the whole get-up. Which makes a change for me. There was some eejit who took a dislike to Darryl and after he had headed home, the same character decided he wasn't liking me much either. I was heading into the jacks at one point and he was giving me grief and I said, look I'm going in here and I'll be out in a minute and I'll talk to ya then and at which point people I've never meet before are telling the eejit to leave 'the wizard' alone. Result! Strange people in toilets are rallying to my cause!

I really have to get a proper pointy hat. They're just so practical! It's just like in the Pratchett novels.

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